Flattening Vectors
Recently I was working on a problem where I needed to get a vector of vectors containing an entry for every possible path when given a vector which might contains scalar values or vectors of scaler values.
Some examples:
input | output |
[:a] | [[:a]] |
[1] | [[1]] |
[:a :b :c] | [[:a :b :c]] |
[:a [:b]] | [[:a :b]] |
[:a [:b :c]] | [[:a :b] [:a :c]] |
[[:a :b] [:c :d]] | [[:a :c] [:a :d] [:b :c] [:b :d]] |
Here is my solution to the problem:
(ns pathcrawler)
(defn add-key
[computed key]
(case [(empty? computed) (coll? key)]
[true true] (for [k key]
(conj (vec computed) k))
[true false] [[key]]
[false true] (for [c computed
k key]
(conj (vec c) k))
[false false] (for [c computed]
(conj (vec c) key))))
(defn compute-paths
"Returns all single dementional path-sets from a given path."
(compute-paths path path []))
([path path-suffix computed]
(if (not-empty path-suffix)
(recur path (rest path-suffix) (add-key computed (first path-suffix)))
(deftest test-compute-paths
(are [p r] (= (pathcrawler/compute-paths p) r)
["a"] [["a"]]
[:a :b :c] [[:a :b :c]]
["a" [1 2]] [["a" 1]
["a" 2]]
[[1 2]] [[1] [2]]
[["a" "b"] 1] [["a" 1]
["b" 1]]
[[:a :b] 1] [[:a 1]
[:b 1]]
[[1 2] "a"] [[1 "a"]
[2 "a"]]
[[1 2] :a] [[1 :a]
[2 :a]]
[[1 2] [:a :b]] [[1 :a]
[1 :b]
[2 :a]
[2 :b]]
[1 [:a :b] 2 [:c :d]] [[1 :a 2 :c]
[1 :a 2 :d]
[1 :b 2 :c]
[1 :b 2 :d]]
[[:a :b] [:m :n] [:x :y :z]] [[:a :m :x]
[:a :m :y]
[:a :m :z]
[:a :n :x]
[:a :n :y]
[:a :n :z]
[:b :m :x]
[:b :m :y]
[:b :m :z]
[:b :n :x]
[:b :n :y]
[:b :n :z]]))
As it turns out, I can’t use it. I might as well post it.