Will BumpTop "Bump" the Competition?
Credit: BumpTop
Okay, question: does anyone want to have a cluttered computer desktop? I sure don’t! That said, I love some of the tools that BumpTop will afford Google. I really like how you can organize icons into piles, but those are basically fancy folders. I like that you can zoom into a section of the desktop, crop, and post pictures on the wall. I’m a little wary about BumpTop being used as the main desktop though.
I am not a very neat person. If you look at any desk I’ve had from the time I was in first grade until now you will see a lot old paper in forgotten piles along with other things that don’t belong on desks. I try to organize it all, but I just don’t have the amount of space I’d like to “put everything in its place.” The computer is different, if I don’t have a folder for this document, I can make one, it’s pretty easy. Therefor, my computer desktop is nearly always empty. I think that Google will be able to use this in a tablet device that would be really easy to use and intuitive—but it wouldn’t be cluttered—at all! If I designed an operating system my default desktop would be completely clean, but I do think that there are good things about BumpTop that Google can use.
One thing that I think would be excellent to try out would be the photo and document preview the way BumpTop does it. On Mac, if you have a file highlighted and you press the spacebar, you have a preview that popes up, I love this feature and I use it all the time. With BumpTop, rather than the picture coming to the user, the user moves into the picture. If you want you can also crop it or do a few other things. What if you could do this in the Finder or Explorer (or whatever Google will call theirs)? I don’t actually know if users would prefer it, but it does seem to be intuitive.
Here in a couple days, I’ll post a video I made of what my ideal desktop would be. Until then, what do you think Google will use BumpTop for?